Meet your DSLA Administration! They are an essential part of our campus.
Campus News
Stay connected with Shepard Intermediate through the latest news and announcements happening at our school. Check out our most recent news below. If there is a story idea or announcement you feel we missed, please contact the campus webmaster.
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Come decked out in your House color on Friday, August 23rd. Best-dressed prizes will be awarded!
DSLA Arrival and Dismissal Procedures for DSLA!
Jr. FFA Interest Meeting will be on August 19th at 6:00 pm. Everyone is invited!
DSLA Meet the Teacher will be on Wednesday, August 28th!
Incoming fifth grade Mustangs don't miss out on Mustang Round Up!!!
School Supply list for 24-25 school year.
For all the back to school information regarding school supplies, registration, meet the teacher, and Mustang Round Up, please read here!
Sixth Grade Mustangs are invited to DSLA's to a semi-formal dance.
Mustangs have another opportunity to buy a yearbook for $30!